When you book with Reliant Pest Pool and Building Inspections
We contact the listing agent to arrange the inspection on your behalf.
Inspections can be carried out in 24 hours, depending on access availability.
We will email you a confirmation of your booking date and time, along with your invoice.
Your inspector will give you a verbal report (phone call) after the inspection to discuss any issues with you.
You are welcome to call your inspector at anytime if you have questions.
In most instances paid report’s will be emailed to you same day the inspection is carried out.
Our inspectors are fully qualified, licensed and insured.
Dedicated administration to co-ordinate the process from beginning to end.

Fast turnaround guaranteed.
We appreciate that time is important when you are trying to secure a sale on a property. In most instances, your paid report will be emailed to you same day as your inspection.

Professional and experienced tradesmen.
We employ qualified and experienced tradesmen who have worked in the building industry. Our inspectors are qualified builders who hold their pest inspection qualifications. We know building and trade and we are solution focused.